Katawa Shoujo
Katawa Shoujo
Katawa Shoujo
Katawa Shoujo
Katawa Shoujo
Katawa Shoujo
Katawa Shoujo
Katawa Shoujo
Katawa Shoujo
Katawa Shoujo
Katawa Shoujo

Katawa Shoujo

Hisao Nakai is an ordinary High school student that, one day, suffers from a heart attack in an awkward situation. When his doctor and parents tell him his disability and the fact that they moved him to the Yamaku Academy, an academy especially designed to educate "people with disabilities", he thinks that his life is finally over.

Guide Hisao Nakai in this new step of his life doing the correct decisions. Who knows, maybe you'll end up in love again...

Katawa Shoujo is a bishoujo-style visu...

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