Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
The story follows Goemon's struggles to prevent the Peach Mountain Shoguns gang from turning Japan into a Westernized fine arts theater. The plot calls for three cinematic musical features and battles between giant robots; like other Ganbare Goemon games, it is peppered with surrealist humor and anachronisms.
The protagonist of Mystical Ninja is Goemon, a hot-blooded, kiseru-wielding ninja with blue, bushy hair based loosely on the legendary thief Ishikawa Goemon. The lord of Oedo asks him to...
Mystical Ninja Collection
Discover games that are part of Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
Ganbare Goemon!: Karakuri Douchuu
Ganbare Goemon 2
Ganbare Goemon Gaiden: Kieta Ougon Kiseru
Ganbare Goemon: Ebisumaru Kiki Ippatsu
The Legend of the Mystical Ninja
Ganbare Goemon: Sarawareta Ebisumaru!
Ganbare Goemon 2: Kiteretsu Shogun McGuiness
Ganbare Goemon 3: Shishijuurokubee no Karakuri Manjigatame
Ganbare Goemon: Kira-kira Douchuu - Boku ga Dancer ni Natta Wake
Soreyuke Ebisumaru: Karakuri Meiro - Kieta Goemon no Nazo
Ganbare Goemon: Uchuu Kaizoku Akogingu
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
Goemon's Great Adventure
Ganbare Goemon: Kuru Nara Koi! - Ayashi Geikka no Kuroi Kage
Ganbare Goemon: Tengu-tou no Gyakushuu!
Ganbare Goemon: Mononoke Douchuu Tobidase Nabe-Bugyou!
Goemon: Mononoke Sugoroku
Ganbare Goemon: Seikuushi Dynamites Arawaru!!
Bouken Jidai Katsugeki: Goemon
Ganbare Goemon: Ooedo Daikaiten
Goemon: Shin Sedai Shuumei
Ganbare Goemon: Hijutsu! Sansuu Juku
Ganbare Goemon: Dosukoi! Harite Ichiban
Ganbare Goemon: Jetto GO! GO! GO!
Mini Kyodai Robo Goemon Compact
Ganbare Goemon: Karakuri Kiteretsu Race
Ganbare Goemon: Tentekomai-mai Meikyuu-kan
Ganbare Goemon: Toukai Douchuu Ooedo Tengurigaeshi no Maki
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