Oriental Blue: Ao no Tengai
Oriental Blue: Ao no Tengai
Oriental Blue: Ao no Tengai
Oriental Blue: Ao no Tengai
Oriental Blue: Ao no Tengai
Oriental Blue: Ao no Tengai
Oriental Blue: Ao no Tengai
Oriental Blue: Ao no Tengai
Oriental Blue: Ao no Tengai
Oriental Blue: Ao no Tengai
Oriental Blue: Ao no Tengai
Oriental Blue: Ao no Tengai

Oriental Blue: Ao no Tengai

Oriental Blue is an RPG from the Far East of Eden series. It has a unique magic system and different pathways the story can take depending on in-game choices.

The game continues the tradition of the series. You play as either Tenran or Aoi, a teenage boy and girl, respectively, on quest to defeat the ancient evil that threatens the prosperous land of Jipang, to prove themselves worthy of the legendary Fire Clan, warriors who have been protecting Jipang for many generations from evil demons an...

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