A mischievous magician, known for playing pranks on poor unsuspecting folks, created something known as "Ghost Ink," a fluid that pretty much turns any drawing into evil and vicious ghost monsters. Any ghost created with the ink ends up just as mischievous as the magician. Ink ghosts have invaded books and paintings, causing trouble within those realms, and now it's up to Pac-Man to wipe out the ghost problem by using the "Ghost Pen," a device that allows him to enter the infested books and pa...
Pac-Man Collection
Discover games that are part of Pac-Pix
Ms. Pac-Man
Super Pac-Man
Baby Pac-Man
Pac & Pal
Professor Pac-Man
Jr. Pac-Man
Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures
Pac-Man World
Pac-Man: Adventures in Time
Pac-Man All-Stars
Pac-Man Fever
Pac-Man Vs.
Pac-Man Pinball Advance
Pac 'n Roll
Pac-Man Pizza Parlor
Pac-Man x Bomberman
Pac-Man Battle Royale
Pac-Man Dash!
Pac-Man Monsters
Pac-Man Friends
Pac-Man 256
Pac-Man Pop!
Pac-Man Social
Pac-Man S
Pac-Man Kart Rally
Pac-Man Stories
Pac-Man: Ticket Mania
Pac-Man Chomp Mania
Pac-Man: Ralph Breaks the Maze
Pac-Man Geo
Pac-Man Mega Tunnel Battle
Pac-Man 99
Super Pac-Man Pinball
Ms. Pac-Man: Maze Madness 2
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