Phantasy Star II Text Adventures
Phantasy Star II Text Adventures
Phantasy Star II Text Adventures
Phantasy Star II Text Adventures
Phantasy Star II Text Adventures
Phantasy Star II Text Adventures
Phantasy Star II Text Adventures
Phantasy Star II Text Adventures
Phantasy Star II Text Adventures
Phantasy Star II Text Adventures
Phantasy Star II Text Adventures
Phantasy Star II Text Adventures
Phantasy Star II Text Adventures
Phantasy Star II Text Adventures

Phantasy Star II Text Adventures

Phantasy Star II Text Adventures were a series of eight text adventure video games available to users of Sega Meganet, a modem for the Sega Mega Drive in Japan, and later released as part of a compilation on Sega CD. Each of the games takes place shortly before Phantasy Star II, documenting the backgrounds of its characters, and explaining what brings them to the town Paseo where they eventually team up to investigate the pervasive troubles of the Algol Solar System.

A series of 8 text based ...

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Games that are bundled together