Shining Force Neo
Thirteen years before the game begins, the world was locked in a war against the Clan of the Moon. Foul monsters known as "Legions" were unleashed by the Clan against their enemies in their bid for domination. However, powerful heroes called Forces soon rose up to lead the charge against them. Aided by Force Frames, ordinary warriors became gifted with a variety of powerful advantages that made them more than what they would have been otherwise. With this, the war against the Clan of the Moon be...
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Shining Force Collection
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Shining in the Darkness
Shining Force
Shining Force Gaiden: Ensei - Jashin no Kuni he
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Shining Force II
Shining Force Gaiden: Final Conflict
Shining Force III: 2nd Scenario
Shining Force III: 3rd Scenario
Shining Force III: Premium Disc
Shining Soul
Shining Soul II
Shining Force Neo
Shining Force EXA
Shining Force Cross
Shining Force Cross Raid
Shining Force Cross Elysion
Shining Force Cross Exlesia
Shining Force Cross Exlesia Zenith
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