Silent Hill: The Arcade
The story takes place in 1993, when a group of five students and members of an occult club travel to Silent Hill to solve the mystery of Toluca Lake. It is known that seventy-five years ago a boat called Little Baroness disappeared with all the crew and passengers on the lake, and the bodies have never been found. The next morning after the arrival, the protagonists Eric and Tina discover that one of their club members is injured while others are missing, and that the whole town is crawling with...
Silent Hill Collection
Discover games that are part of Silent Hill: The Arcade
Silent Hill
Silent Hill: Play Novel
Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill 3
Silent Hill 4: The Room
Silent Hill: Mobile DX
Silent Hill: The Arcade
Silent Hill: Orphan
Silent Hill: Origins
Silent Hill: The Escape
Silent Hill: Homecoming
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
Silent Hill: Downpour
Silent Hills
Silent Hill: Book of Memories
Silent Hill: The Short Message
Silent Hill: Townfall
Silent Hill f
Silent Hill: Ascension
Silent Hill: Cold Heart
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